One of the most common causes for loss of central vision in individuals over the age of 45 is macular degeneration. This age-related condition affects the retina. The retina is a layer of nerve cells that line the back wall of your eye sensing light and sending signals to your brain.
Some of the most common eye conditions affecting the retina include:
The three most common symptoms of retina conditions are floaters, flashes, and blurry or distorted vision.
The appearance of floaters and flashes may be alarming, especially if they develop suddenly. They are often associated with aging but can be a symptom of a retinal tear or detachment, which can lead to significant vision loss. Likewise, feeling like someone has pulled a shade or shadow over part of your vision can be a symptom of a retinal detachment. Any of these symptoms needs to be evaluated with a comprehensive dilated examination within a day or two of symptom onset.
Any sudden onset of numerous new floaters or flashes, which are warning signs of ocular disease, should be evaluated by your eye care professional to determine whether these floaters or flashes are serious. In order to ensure your condition is properly diagnosed, it is important that a complete eye examination is performed. The exam will allow your doctor to fully understand and diagnose your condition as well as potentially catch some conditions in the early stages before symptoms develop. Depending on the results of your exam, our skilled eye doctors can also provide you with recommendations for treatments and a recommended treatment schedule.