If you have a heart for people and are interested in working with us, fill out the form below and we’ll contact you about a position opening or when one becomes available.
Your voice is the first one our patients hear when calling about an appointment, a question, or an emergency. Your job is to answer those calls and provide friendly assistance, whether it’s scheduling an appointment, answering a question, or transferring a call.
Your face is the first one our patients see when visiting our practice for an appointment or to learn more about what we do. Your job is to check patients in and out warmly and efficiently, making sure they are comfortable while they wait and are happy with the care they’ve received as they leave.
At Baptist Eye Surgeons, we promise our patients top quality vision care. Your job is to assist our doctors in providing them with such through routine work ups, vision and diagnostic tests, and other patient procedures.
A lot happens behind-the-scenes that make it possible for us to continue serving our patients. Your job is to file insurance, follow up on accounts, and perform all billing-related duties for the office.